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Search and match on 200 themes

With iSourcing Hub, you can find and approach relevant players with respect to any conceivable IT, Tech and Outsourcing topic. Knowledge Partners and other users can add new players, and, based on a given theme, share useful (selection) criteria and/or smart questions, thus enabling you to quickly ask the right question to the players most relevant to you. This can even be done anonymously – you can decide for yourself which information you want to share.

This page lists the themes you can search, as well as the ones most frequently searched. Discover how the search process actually works here. Is your issue not listed? No worries, we can add new themes instantly.

Trending Themes on iSourcing Hub:

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Found the Theme You Were Looking For?

Would you like to get started immediately? Log in or create a free account, and you can get going straight away. New users (both end clients and IT consultants) can conduct their first search (a value of €750) free of charge. Are you not sure whether iSourcing Hub can help you, do you have any questions or would you like to discuss ideas? Please contact us, or plan a demo session.

Not Found the Theme You Were Looking For?

No need to worry. You can request a new theme in the form below, it will be added shortly.

How to proceed further, you might ask? That’s fairly straightforward. In iSourcing Hub, contracting parties will indicate whether they are active within the new theme. Players who have are not yet affiliated to the hub, can be invited immediately and indicate whether they are active within the new theme, as well as on other themes.
It goes without saying, that adding a new theme does not imply immediate availability of a complete overview of relevant players and criteria/questions. However, ready-made questions with respect to related themes shared by other users often prove to be quite useful, thus allowing you to quickly draft or complete questionnaires, market consultations or RFIs.

Why try? Because users can add and share information themselves, iSourcing Hub is extremely scalable and its database gets enriched with each search query. If you have already identified players and/or have a list of criteria or questions at your disposal, and are willing to share information through iSourcing Hub, you can most likely use the platform for free and/or get a significant discount on a subscription.

© iSourcing Hub | Outsourcing Hub B.V.